Inuki TachiharaReproduction

江戸時代の浮世絵の色、材料、紙を再現し探究することに生涯を費やした版画家がいた。現存する浮世絵は時間とともに色や紙が劣化しているので、当時のものの鮮やかさはわからないが、立原 位貫氏の摺る浮世絵は遥かに鮮やかで、時より細部を表現する為に彼の解釈が入っている。2015年、それらを一堂に会した山口県立萩美術・浦上記念館での展覧会の開催直前に他界されている。立原 位貫氏が生涯を捧げた浮世絵の一部、大英博物館(イギリス・ロンドン)に収蔵された作品を一人娘、安位子さんの協力で掲載しました。貴重な作品です。

There was a printmaker who spent his life exploring the colors, materials, and paper of ukiyo-e in the Edo period. The colors and paper of the existing ukiyo-e have deteriorated over time, so I do not know the vividness at that time, but the ukiyo-e drawn by Mr. Inuki Tachihara is more vivid, but if the detailed expression is his interpretation There is also. He died in 2015, just before the exhibition at the Yamaguchi Prefectural Hagi Uragami Museum of Art. The work of the British Museum (London, England) is part of Ukiyo-e, which Mr. Inuki Tachihara devoted his life to, and was published with the cooperation of his only daughter, Ms.Yasuko. It is a valuable work.
The original is also wonderful, so I plan to release it at the next opportunity.



There was a printmaker who spent his life exploring the colors……
ISAO AMANOI want to dance but I can’t dance



Isao Amano who shot nudie work in vol.14. A dynamic woman’s work in the jet-black darkness of red in the sea this summer night when the world is restricted.



model : saya

Isao Amano who shot nudie work in vol.14……
YOSHi.Tme and me


メイクアップアーティスト YOSHi.Tが自らの子供をとった作品。子供たちの固定概念を持たない面白さ、柔軟性が随所に写し出され子供達が社会との付き合い方を覚えていき成長していく姿がかわいい。

A work by make-up artist YOSHi.T who photographed his own child. The fun and flexibility of children who have not decided on stereotypes are reflected everywhere, and it is cute to see them grow while learning how to interact with society.




model : Subaru + Tsubaki

A work by make-up artist YOSHi.T ……
Naho MiyajimaHorse meat Sashimi of Centaurus


A modern culture that doesn’t make you feel raw. The rawness seems to be repelled and hidden. I took a picture with the question that the ideal image that humans envision is actually removing humanity from humans.
At the same time, I chose this title because I wanted to express the rawness that I dislike for some reason. The centaur is a Greek mythological monster, the lower half of which is a horse. They are said to have eaten raw meat on a regular basis, had libido when drunk, and tended to violently attack human women. It’s a half horse, but more human.



model : Emma

A modern culture that doesn’t make you feel raw……
AI TERADAsave the make love.


恋人たちのSEXをテーマに撮影しているAI TERADAが前号に引き続き寄稿してくれた。

AITERADA, who shoots with the theme of lovers’ SEX, continues to contribute to the previous issue.
The shape created by the intertwining of two human bodies is usually done in a closed environment, looks like a sculpture, and feels hot when shooting.



AI TERADA, who shoots with the theme of lovers’ SEX……


幻想的な雰囲気のシチュエーションで撮影した鈴木 悠介。

Yusuke Suzuki shot in a fantastic atmosphere.
A woman looking straight at something in the sparkling light is impressive.



Yusuke Suzuki shot in a fantastic atmosphere……
ZuruchangHalf Night Love・MIMI -Episode 2-

Actress Zuruchang drew the second episode of “Half Night Love Mimi” published in vol.15.
The English version translated by Zuru Onodera is also recommended. I’m looking forward to the third episode.



Actress Zuruchang drew the second episode of……
Erika KudoWho am I



The “I” seen by others and the “I” I know do not always match. For example, when using Instagram, I’m only part of my life, but the ratings of others who see it can wobble “I”. Conflict is something that everyone has. However, instead of being confused by that, by cutting out various aspects of a person as photographs, I convey that “I” from others and “I” in me are unmistakable self.



model : 咲耶/Sakuya

The “I” seen by others and the “I” ……
HAKOSoliloquy,Stupidity,and the Reality of Me

This is a series of HAKO that started from the previous issue.
This is the story of 1999 when HAKO was in elementary school.



This is a series of HAKO that started ……

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Chief editor OSAMI YABUTA / Art direction KENTARO SATO
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